Tuesday, April 8th, 2025
Trent University
2025 THEME
Announced Soon!
Driving & Parking
Key locations:
Enter at the Science Complex loading dock (red marker. (round about at Praxair cylinders)
Proceed to the welcome desk for the directions to your room.
You can drop off your project before you park
Participants can park for free ONLY in Lot Q (oranger marker)
Awards Ceremony in Wenjack Theatre (OCA W101.2) located in Otonabee College (blue marker)
Quiet Room For Visitors
Environmental Science Complex C205
opposite the Trent School of the Environment Office
8:00 - 8:45 am: Project Setup
Please enter through the Science Complex door (round about at Praxair cylinders). Ushers will direct you to your assigned room in the Environmental Science Building.
It will be available upon arrival on fair day.
9:00 - 11:30 am: Judging
The judging schedule will be taped to section of the lab bench where you will set up your project. Students are responsible for being available at their project during their assigned judging times. Multiple judges will visit each project.
11:30 am – 2 pm: Public Viewing
Students should remain close to their projects and be prepared to answer questions. They are also encouraged to make time to visit other projects.
12:15 - 1:00 pm: Lunch Break for Primary and Elementary
Participants are reminded that they should arrange for a friend or parent to watch over their display in their absence, particularly if valuable equipment is involved. Lunch is not provided but the Otonabee Market Place Cafeteria in Otonabee College (near Wenjack Theatre) will be open to purchase food. A seating area is available there. Please be aware that this area is not supervised, and that students need permission from parents or teachers to visit the Cafeteria. THE CAFETERIA DOES NOT ACCEPT CASH
12:30 - 1:15 pm: Lunch Break Junior, Intermediate and Senior
2:15 pm: Project takedown and Room Draw Prizes (you must be in the room to win)
Remove all project material. Proceed to outside the Wenjack Theatre for Central Smith icecream
3:00 (sharp) - 4:30 pm Awards Ceremony Wenjack Theatre
All participants, teachers and family members are welcome. Please note that the Awards Ceremony will not be over before 4:30 pm, in case you need to make special arrangements for your students’ transportation.
There will be pause in the ceremony after the Elementary Awards if you need to leave
All Day Activities
Digital Attractions Photos - Free printed photos and digital backgrounds to download online
Go down the stairs to the KWIC office: 9 - 2:15
TRACKS Youth Program - oxobot robots and Indigenous science focused on reciprocal relationships in forest ecosystems​
Go down the stairs, just past the KWIC office: 9 - 2:15 10:30 - 2:00
Guess the candy # game - judging labs hallway
Quiet Room ESB C205
Trent Recruitment CSB hallway 11:30 - 1:00
Awards Ceremony Guest Speakers 2025

Attention all young science scholars!
Somewhere…deep underground at Trent University lies the Mysterious Mycelium Atelier. For today only, you will get a sneak peek into the world of fungi. If you dare, you can even join us to perform some questionable experiments, so you can decide if fungi is your friend or foe.
The head of the Good Fungi House Headmistress Ms. Shaggy Mane and Dr. Deathly Galerina of the Evil Fungi House
Mushrooms are classified in the Fungi kingdom, which is known as the ‘dark kingdom’ because so little is known about them.
They are more closely related to people than to plants.
They were one of the first organisms on land.
Some fungi can break down petroleum products.
You can make vegan leather from tinder mushrooms. For example, to make gloves and hats.
Security & Safety
All participants are responsible for the security of their projects. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns during the fair, please approach one of our volunteers, including the room monitors, to let us know.
If you have signed the signature page, you have given permission for a science fair representative to take a picture of you and your project.